Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Memorial Day weekend camping trip coming up!

Three-Person Camping Dome Tent 7 Feet X 7 Feet One Touch Set UpI've been looking forward to this camping trip for several weeks.  I have been following the weather on for a couple of weeks (you can get a forecast for your selected location 14 days in advance).  At first, it said it was going to thunderstorm 2 out of the 4 days. I was despairing that we wouldn't be able to go. Now, however, the forecast has changed and rain is only forecast for Monday.  Hopefully, we can get our campsite packed up and drive back home before the rain hits.  I still need to cancel the paper for this weekend and put a hold on the mail. 

Tomorrow night will be hectic with packing up all the necessary items.  I don't have a dedicated cookware set for camping, so I will be packing up the utensils and cooking equipment I'm going to need.  I will also have to make our weekly library trip. Trash pickup is Friday, so we have to make sure the trash can and the recycling bin is out in front of the house for pickup. 

My husband is off of work on Friday, so he and our son (whose last day of school is tomorrow) will pack up the tent, the screenhouse, and the coolers and they will head to the campsite.  I will have everything else in my vehicle and will drive there once I get home from work. 

Wow, just typing about all that work is making me tired!  LOL!  But it will be worth it once we sit in front of the campfire on Friday night, drinking a beer and relaxing.  This has been such a long week at work! 

I hope all of you are going camping this weekend!  Don't forget the real reason for this holiday weekend - Memorial Day.  May God bless and keep all our veterans and our military presently serving, and may all those who made the ultimate sacrifice rest in peace.