Thursday, May 21, 2009

Camping tomorrow night!

As I type this, it's 9:54 p.m Central Standard Time. Tomorrow night at this time, I'll be sitting in front of the campfire, probably drinking a beer. After all, I won't have to drive! LOL! I'll be looking at more beautiful stars than I would ever see in the city. Saturday morning, after our morning grocery store run and gas station run (for the local newspapers), I'll walk down and take a look at the lake. I just have to get through tomorrow at work!

I've been busy all evening packing stuff to take. Hubby went to the store today to get groceries for the trip. He went to the shed to get out the camping stuff that is stored there. I had to keep nagging the 12 year old son to pack his clothes - he was too busy listening to music on the computer. :rolleyes (P.S.: Blogger, we need smilies!)

Hubby will pack up my Jeep Liberty while I'm getting dressed for work. So as not to have breakfast dishes sitting all weekend, he'll run to the store & buy donuts for breakfast. We have foam cups for milk.

We may come back home late Sunday afternoon - son is in marching band and is marching in a Memorial Day parade Monday morning. He has to be at the school at 8 a.m., and our favorite campground is 45 minutes away from home.

Once I get home, I'll post about our trip. Until then -

Happy camping!


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